Research has shown that there are several categories more prone to developing this phobia: - single parents in parents, - the youngest child in a family, - children with.- often...
September, just like the New Year, has always been associated with a period of beginnings.In September starts the fall, the school activity, we start several personal and professional projects.Also in...
Symptoms of postnatal depression are similar to depression that occurs from other causes.These include a bad mood and other symptoms lasting at least two weeks.Postpartum psychosis is different from postnatal...
Constipation: Appears when a child does not have, for one reason or another, a chair several days in a row.Its digestive system does not work properly, which is why it...
At present, no diagnostic manual used in psychiatry or psychology offers a definitive definition of postnatal parental depression.In the studies so far, the criteria of the DSM (Manual of Diagnosis...
The Ortho Institute recommends that each child be evaluated orthodontically until the age of 7 years.If it has cramped teeth, stumble, erupt out of the gum, narrow jaw or any...
WHO recommends avoiding any type of food and the baby is exclusively breast-fed, and if this is not possible, formulations of child-friendly dairy powder.Including tea is prohibited until this age.Specifically,...
Posted: 2018-03-17, 9584 views.
Posted: 2017-06-08, 8266 views.
Posted: 2017-06-15, 8140 views.
Posted: 2017-10-24, 7996 views.
Posted: 2017-06-07, 7734 views.
Posted: 2018-03-17, 9584 views.
Posted: 2017-06-08, 8266 views.
Posted: 2017-06-15, 8140 views.
Posted: 2017-06-07, 7734 views.
Posted: 2017-06-12, 7328 views.