
Children younger than one year should be careful of air conditioning!

Children younger than one year should be careful of air conditioning!

Do not expose children younger than 1 year to air conditioning, it is the advice of allergologists.This is because the appliances discharge air into mildew.And against them there are no...

What serious conditions do you do if you do not treat otitis caused by swimming pool water

What serious conditions do you do if you do not treat otitis caused by swimming pool water

Otitis is an ear infection that occurs frequently, especially in children.Can be detected after intense pain, which may occur especially at night, but also due to decreased hearing.These conditions are...

Enterocolitis symptoms, treatment and prevention methods

Enterocolitis symptoms, treatment and prevention methods

The summer season is associated with the maximum frequency of enterocolitis cases.Especially children are affected because their sensitive stomach can not tolerate foods that have undergone organoleptic changes due to...

What do we give children to eat in the summer?

What do we give children to eat in the summer?

Surely, make every effort to thank the little ones.But they refuse so many good foods that summer, when it is very warm, becomes a kind of diplomacy demonstration to be...

M   apos; s writing offers better results to the lesson!

M apos; s writing offers better results to the lesson!

The fashion to write on a laptop or similar device when the teacher teaches began to appear in universities in Romania.Often, teachers worry because laptops can distract attention.Facebook is just...

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