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Heartburn, a real danger to the heart

Heartburn, a real danger to the heart

Dehydration aggravates the condition of heart patients.One of the consequences of high temperature exposure is dehydration, the problem most people face, but it affects patients with heart problems to a...

The reason why relationships are broken easily: Men are sexually attached to women

The reason why relationships are broken easily: Men are sexually attached to women

Today's relationships are built on moving sands, and sex is the way you can escape from a reality you do not find.Monogamy is just a memory for many of us,...

How can I get rid of the tattoos that you no longer represent?.

How can I get rid of the tattoos that you no longer represent?.

Tattoos can be a choice, but often one at a time.The reasons for many people considering the deletion of a tattoo are varied.Sometimes it can be a matter of taste...

What you need to do in stressful situations

What you need to do in stressful situations

There are a number of positive or negative situations that can trigger stress.And the body's response to these events can generate the following symptoms: - - faster breathing - tense...

What does excessive thirst and hunger feel?

What does excessive thirst and hunger feel?

Excessive thirst and hunger feeling exaggerated by a person may announce the first signs of diabetes.Specifically, these symptoms can occur when sugar (glucose) reaches abnormally high levels.Diabetes mellitus is a...

Breast fibroadenoma - evolution and complications

Breast fibroadenoma - evolution and complications

Symptoms of breast fibroadenoma are reduced because they are painless and are therefore sometimes discovered by chance either in autopalpation and in a routine check-up such as breast ultrasound or...

Dental implants - types, benefits and risks

Dental implants - types, benefits and risks

The type of dental implant best suited to a particular patient will depend on various factors such as implant location, jaw bone density or gum health and the type of...

How true is your partner?

How true is your partner?

Do you want to know if your partner has a predisposition to cheating on you? .Although there is no tried and true formula to determine whether or not someone has...

Tingling and tingling tears may indicate various diseases

Tingling and tingling tears may indicate various diseases

diabetes.The high blood sugar level for people with diabetes acts as a toxin on the nerves and can cause tingling in the hands and feet.In addition, tingling, numbness and stinging...

(photo) Neon and ultra violet lights.

(photo) Neon and ultra violet lights.

American photographer Adriano Rodrigues takes photos using neon and ultra violet lights.He has discovered this technique in the last semester at college and has developed a unique method of expressing...

Lupus: causes, types of lupus, symptoms, evolution and treatment

Lupus: causes, types of lupus, symptoms, evolution and treatment

Erythematous lupus is an autoimmune disease in the etiology of which genetic, immunological and environmental factors are involved.Genetic predisposition has been demonstrated in numerous research.70% of cases of lupus erythematosus...

4 Signs that you have found the place of your soul on this earth

4 Signs that you have found the place of your soul on this earth

I'll meet you there.When the soul lying there, on that grass.The world is too full to talk about it.\.The place of the soul is a place that comes with a...

Do we often wash our hair?

Do we often wash our hair?

The opinions are divided when it comes to how often we should wash our heads.Each of us has its own hair care rules, so there are so many assumptions about...

The Influence of Technology on Sexual Life

The Influence of Technology on Sexual Life

• Respond to emails and browse when what you are in the bedroom are actions that can negatively affect your relationship with your partner but also your sex life.Maybe you...

Are there habits that can affect your health?

Are there habits that can affect your health?

• Fingers crack.This habit not only disturbs people around with the noise they produce, but can, over time, cause inflammation of the hands and joint weakness.In addition, it seems that...

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