
Seven mistakes that prevent you from manifesting what you want

Seven mistakes that prevent you from manifesting what you want

You have read many books about the law of attraction, you have even seen the movie, set your intention and act exactly as you know.However, the desired effect is delayed...

Regret - the greatest fear of people

Regret - the greatest fear of people

Many ask themselves: If today was the last day on earth, would I regret something in my life? .In the opinion of psychologist Andra Tanasescu, the fear of regret generates...

6 tricks to be more patient

6 tricks to be more patient

In a world of instant gratification, agglomerated traffic and queues at the gondola during winter, patience is a cornerstone.Even when we grow spiritually, we need patience.It takes time for the...

Alarm signals for suicide

Alarm signals for suicide

• Family history of or abuse of • Family suicide history • Domestic violence • or sexual • Chronic psychiatric illness including • Exposure to suicidal behaviors of other people...

How and what cosmetics do you use according to your skin type and skin?

How and what cosmetics do you use according to your skin type and skin?

Every age has its beauty.About skin care we can talk indefinitely.Every woman has her own skin care routine, adapted to her needs, age and even the possibilities she has.In general,...

6 things you lose when you wake up spiritually

6 things you lose when you wake up spiritually

Those spirituality does not mean at all the renunciation of the joys of life but, on the contrary, the attainment of a state of freedom, happiness, abundance,...

Separate but together

Separate but together

I recently heard a story about a couple married years old and divorced for so long.However, none of them had managed to rebuild their life with another...

6 Life Lessons I Wanted to Know at 20 Years

6 Life Lessons I Wanted to Know at 20 Years

1.Money does not solve all problems Money is an instrument but not the ultimate solution for anything.There are many people who live with very little, but have a wonderful, full...

Give up on what does not happen to you

Give up on what does not happen to you

A relationship that is no longer working is not like a watch that can be repaired.Sometimes the best solution is to put an end to it.It is very difficult, but...

The relationship between emotions and our health

The relationship between emotions and our health

The main emotions that harm the body in the physical plane are: fear, lack of forgiveness, shame and insecurity.For example, fear will manifest in the stomach and kidneys, in.Tackling will...

Ladies, you love at least once men who make you dream!

Ladies, you love at least once men who make you dream!

When I think about myself and analyze myself in all my hiding places and pits, \.He's somewhere under the amateur mechanic and British researcher.In a wheel I could change, in...

5 tricks to be happier at work

5 tricks to be happier at work

We all have hard times.It may be a more difficult time in a job that you love or the awareness that it's time to make a big change.Instead of complaining...

3 risks that you expose yourself when you go to the beach

3 risks that you expose yourself when you go to the beach

In fact, global warming and ozone depletion increase skin cancer chances by 3-5 percent for each ozone layer damaged, according to a study on the effects of global warming on the skin. In this context, exposure to the sun is risky, especially for people with light-colored eyes and white skin, classified as skin types I and II.

4 signs that you have to rethink your emotional boundaries

4 signs that you have to rethink your emotional boundaries

The desire to connect and form an intimate relationship with another person is natural, but so is the desire to protect us (physically and emotionally).From a psychological point of view,...

The interpersonal attraction: why we get to fall in love with the same type of people

The interpersonal attraction: why we get to fall in love with the same type of people

We all know we like a typology and feel some kind of connection with him or her.And not necessarily with erotic connotation.Read below all you need to know about the...

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