Pneumonia may be the first infection of a child's body or a complication of other respiratory infections.Depending on the germs that cause it, if we refer to the infectious ones,...
Some of the best films of history have been based entirely or at least partly on famous novels.Although they have countless awards, the appreciation of film critics does not guarantee...
If a woman has one during the ovulation period, there is a great chance she will become pregnant.Usually, ovulation is cyclic, occurs on the 14th day of menstruation, but differs...
Spiracy and your body communicate with you in different ways.One of them is the language of emotions.If you learn how to communicate with you, you will discover that...
photo: Jozef Klopacka, ShutterstockWhen thinking about artists, scientists and innovative people, we think of inspiration.Being inspired is, in fact, to be connected to the Creator, the Great Spirit (as the...
Rice is often the first solid baby food.Although in recent years arsenic levels have declined considerably in rice-based formulations, a group of activists (Healthy Babies Bright Futures) says that current...
Alzheimer's remains a terrible disease for many people.It begins slowly, sometimes in silence, but eventually asks for the price.People in the final stage are unable to recognize their friends and...
It is a multifactorial autoimmune disorder.Gluten consumption produces inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and the appearance of intestinal permeability.The main symptoms are those in the digestive tract (diarrhea, abdominal pain),...
Excessive exercise or walking are frequent causes of Achilles tendency, especially in the case of athletes.However, non-exercise factors may also contribute to the risk of developing this condition.and infections are...
Spanish artist José Perez Igera presented how the world would look without advertising.With a photo editor, the young man removed all the banners and ads from the streets, leaving blank...
If you think pigment stains are synonymous with old age, then think again.It is not like that.It is true that brown spots are the most common in older people as...
• Genital warts.They are caused by a virus that is part of the group are similar to small, pink-sized growths, itching and usually occur in the genital or anal area.The...
Gabriela Slivca is the winner of The contest is organized for the first time in the Republic of Moldova, and the winner will represent Moldova at an international competition.Of...
Posted: 2018-03-17, 9117 views.
Posted: 2017-06-08, 7825 views.
Posted: 2017-06-15, 7659 views.
Posted: 2017-10-24, 7538 views.
Posted: 2017-06-07, 7290 views.
Posted: 2018-03-17, 9117 views.
Posted: 2017-06-08, 7825 views.
Posted: 2017-06-15, 7659 views.
Posted: 2017-06-07, 7290 views.
Posted: 2017-06-12, 6885 views.