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Pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases

Pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases

The nine months of pregnancy is not only one of the most beautiful stages in a woman's life, but one in which the future mother is more likely to contract...

New tricks to be happy every day

New tricks to be happy every day

1.Use the Power of Diet Tyrosine is one of the chemicals responsible for creating dopamine in the body.To increase your dopamine levels, increase the amount of tyrosine.Among the foods rich...

5 tricks to be happier at work

5 tricks to be happier at work

We all have hard times.It may be a more difficult time in a job that you love or the awareness that it's time to make a big change.Instead of complaining...

The link between breastfeeding and breast cancer

The link between breastfeeding and breast cancer

• By breastfeeding, the uterus returns more quickly to the size before conception, thus preventing post-partum bleeding.• Reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.• Considerably reduce the risk.• Decreases maternal obesity...

3 Foods for Your Daily Diet

3 Foods for Your Daily Diet

There are plenty of foods that are not as healthy as they say, but there are also foods that will never disappoint your body and sustain your health.Here are three...

Inflamed throat?

Inflamed throat?

Gargara with salt water.It has the role of diminishing inflammation of the throat, being a remedy for hundreds of years.Salt water also acts as an antiseptic, helping to remove excess...

Breast fibroadenoma - evolution and complications

Breast fibroadenoma - evolution and complications

Symptoms of breast fibroadenoma are reduced because they are painless and are therefore sometimes discovered by chance either in autopalpation and in a routine check-up such as breast ultrasound or...

(photo) Prohibited area.

(photo) Prohibited area.

On April 26, 32 years have passed since the most famous and greatest nuclear accident in contemporary history.The Chernobyl nuclear reactor exploded and mass pollution arose.What a city looks like...

What are the risks of coffee consumption during pregnancy?

What are the risks of coffee consumption during pregnancy?

According to research conducted by specialists, a daily intake of 200 mg of caffeine is recommended, ie about two small cups of coffee per day.A higher consumption seems to double...

(photo) A duck and 76 dicks.

(photo) A duck and 76 dicks.

A Minnesota Duck carries around 70 chickens, a remarkable picture captured by an amateur photographer on a recent trip to Lake Bemidji, about 150 miles northwest of Duluth. ...

Possible causes of frequent urination

Possible causes of frequent urination

• Kidney stones or an infection.Urinary tract infections and can cause bladder irritation.Usually, kidney stones cause intense back pain, and in the case of urinary tract infections the main symptom...

Back pain during pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy

are very common among pregnant women.It is estimated that 75% of pregnant women will experience back pain during pregnancy.They appear due to the numerous adaptive changes that the body undergoes.Although...
How do I need to brush your skin after waxing?

How do I need to brush your skin after waxing?

After waxing with our wax, there is a risk of getting rid of the irritation of skin aggression by pulling out the hair.Irritations always occur, especially in the summer, when...

Which optimal temperature should have the air conditioning on the heater

Which optimal temperature should have the air conditioning on the heater

The elevated temperatures from the outside give us a headache and we will do anything to cool ourselves a little.A cold shower, ice cream, and air conditioning at a lower...

Why is cardiac frost dangerous?

Why is cardiac frost dangerous?

• Influenza vaccination is essential in patients with chronic diseases.Thus, cardiac patients are considered a high-risk category of complications in the cold season because they can present serious health problems...

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