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4 foods for your good mood

4 foods for your good mood

Days shorter can affect our mood, but food can be a precious ally in maintaining optimistic state and genuine smile.After all, we have so many reasons to enjoy the months...

A healthy heart loves more

A healthy heart loves more

Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of mortality globally.This is why, worldwide, a special importance is given to the prevention and treatment of these conditions, doctors, scientists and decision-makers, making...

8 reasons why you are a magnet for mosquitoes

8 reasons why you are a magnet for mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are insects that make big headaches in the summer, not so much because of pinching, especially because of the buzz they do and spoil our sleep.Fortunately, there are natural...

Couple issues: healthy relationship vs. toxic relationship

Couple issues: healthy relationship vs. toxic relationship

We always come to ask why we are in the same types of relationships and why they are the same every time.Perhaps this is not the first time that you...

What serious conditions do you do if you do not treat otitis caused by swimming pool water

What serious conditions do you do if you do not treat otitis caused by swimming pool water

Otitis is an ear infection that occurs frequently, especially in children.Can be detected after intense pain, which may occur especially at night, but also due to decreased hearing.These conditions are...

Can pesticides increase the risk of autism?

Can pesticides increase the risk of autism?

First synthesized in 1874, DDT kills a wide range of disease-bearing parasites and was used during World War II to control typhus in Europe and the South Pacific.It is a...

(photo) The cutest sheep in the world originate from Switzerland.

(photo) The cutest sheep in the world originate from Switzerland.

Some of the most prized animals in the whole of Britain, and beyond, are the Valais Blacknose sheep.After being highlighted in 2012 by the BBC, they immediately caught the attention...
Exercises for better sex life

Exercises for better sex life

Cardio Exercises.Any activity that will make your heart beat faster and cause you to breathe harder, from walking, to cycling, can stimulate blood flow - including in the lower regions.This...

How do I finish your hair at 20, 30, 40 or 50?

How do I finish your hair at 20, 30, 40 or 50?

The hairstyle you adopt affects your look, makes you look younger or older.Find out how to care for your hair and how to get it, if you want to keep...

Eight signs that you have met a spirit related to you

Eight signs that you have met a spirit related to you

In our lives there are a few people, maybe even one, with whom we feel a special connection.These are spirits related to us, with which we resonate in particular.Here are...

Red Melon - Surprising benefits for the body

Red Melon - Surprising benefits for the body

Strengthens the immune system.Of the red mud content improves the immune system, maintaining the integrity of the cells.Enzymes involved in collagen formation can not function without vitamin C.Rich in potassium,...

Why do I have to respect the main meals?

Why do I have to respect the main meals?

Most nutritionists claim that for a healthy body it is advisable to respect the three main meals and two composed snacks, preferably from fruits and vegetables.Moreover, people who comply with...

The difference between depression and postpartum psychosis

The difference between depression and postpartum psychosis

Symptoms of postnatal depression are similar to depression that occurs from other causes.These include a bad mood and other symptoms lasting at least two weeks.Postpartum psychosis is different from postnatal...

How to Have a Happy Couple Life With This Simple Meditation

How to Have a Happy Couple Life With This Simple Meditation

Photo: Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko, Shutterstock \.This healthy practice may be inadequate to connect with your loved one deeply.Throughout the day, each of you is caught up in the everyday life...

TB - all you need to know about this disease

TB - all you need to know about this disease

Transmission (TB) is usually done by air.Rarely, however, it can also be transmitted by cutaneous or digestive route.When airborne transmission occurs, the number of bacilli in the air and the...

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