
Herbal treatments with cinnamon.

Herbal treatments with cinnamon.

Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the fragrant bark of the Cinnamomum ceylanicum blume tree, originally from Sri Lanka.She delights our taste buds when we use it to flavor...

How do you remove toxins from your body?

How do you remove toxins from your body?

If toxins are removed from the body, then the body will improve a number of fundamental health inside and front page: Galiyah Assan, ShutterstockThus, if all the toxins are...

How to feel good early in the morning even if you are not the morning mate

How to feel good early in the morning even if you are not the morning mate

Until recently, I was not a mature person.I liked to sleep late and stay awake after midnight.We invigorate those who managed to wake up early in the morning and work...

How can we keep cholesterol within normal limits?

How can we keep cholesterol within normal limits?

• Consumption of soft drinks as well as sweets leading to the increase of LDL cholesterol should be avoided.However, if you have a sweet appetite, you can eat it because...

Tea efficiency in the detoxification process

Tea efficiency in the detoxification process

When fatigue is dominant, the cause may be the need for detoxification of the body.Most of the time, this is a way the body demands its rights.Any healthy person has...

10 scientific reasons that will convince you to introduce more raw food into your daily diet

10 scientific reasons that will convince you to introduce more raw food into your daily diet

The fact that the modern man's ancestors took advantage of the discovery of fire to obtain, by the thermal preparation of food, a more concentrated and richer in calories than...

Diabetes - the disease that worsens on holidays

Diabetes - the disease that worsens on holidays

First of all, to ensure that he respects the prescription prescribed by a physician, the patient must weigh daily foods containing carbohydrates.Naturally, a balanced, non-problematic meal should consist of: a...

8 foods that can lower blood pressure.

8 foods that can lower blood pressure.

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attacks (heart attack), heart failure, artery aneurysms (eg aortic aneurysm), peripheral arterial disease and is the cause of chronic kidney...

Can excess food be harmful to the body?

Can excess food be harmful to the body?

• Emotional Factors.When you eat it is very likely to be an emotional component in the middle.For example, when you are stressed, you may feel the need to eat a...

How can we detoxify our liver with simple habits?

How can we detoxify our liver with simple habits?

• Hot lemon water.In the morning, it's useful to make a habit of drinking, on the empty stomach, right after you wake up, a glass of warm lemon water.This habit...

4 amazing things you did not know about protein

4 amazing things you did not know about protein

There is probably no person who is not convinced of the importance of proteins.In fact, if it comes to nutrition, the need to consume a significant amount of protein is...

Why is cardiac frost dangerous?

Why is cardiac frost dangerous?

• Influenza vaccination is essential in patients with chronic diseases.Thus, cardiac patients are considered a high-risk category of complications in the cold season because they can present serious health problems...

Tips for preventing indigestion and bloating during the holidays

Tips for preventing indigestion and bloating during the holidays

Indigestion is not a disease in itself, but rather, it is a group of symptoms that appear to occur during the meal or at a distance after a meal.Indigestion can...

Ice, snow, snow - common causes of bone fractures in winter

Ice, snow, snow - common causes of bone fractures in winter

• The footwear should be suitable for walking on snow and flying.Therefore, you must wear boots or boots with adherent soles, such as those made of rubber and neoprene.Footwear with...

Cheap ways to purify your water and naturally at home

Cheap ways to purify your water and naturally at home

Due to the pollution of the soil, the intense atmospheric pollution, the global warming phenomenon, the supply of drinking water has become a problem.Tap water is, in many cases, full...

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