
How do you have to cook the rice in order not to get intoxicated with arsenic?

How do you have to cook the rice in order not to get intoxicated with arsenic?

Arsenic is a toxic oligoelement, marked with the symbol As.It is usually related to other elements in chemical compounds.Arsenic is divided into two main categories: - Organic arsenic: mainly found...

Risks associated with excessive protein use

Risks associated with excessive protein use

Although there are potential benefits of a high-protein diet, such as a feeling of increased satiety and muscle retention, it is important to be aware of the risks involved.Excess protein...

What are the most suitable types of cardiac exercise?

What are the most suitable types of cardiac exercise?

Start slowly - the first exercise groups should not last longer than 5 minutes.The body has to adapt easily, easily to new physical activities, as the heart is intensely demanded...

Habits that can destroy your sight

Habits that can destroy your sight

Many of the daily habits pose a threat to the health of vision.These include: Eye drops abuse As with any medicine, eye drops should never be used without a prescription.Ophthalmic...

The therapeutic properties of the sludge

The therapeutic properties of the sludge

- diseases of the genito-urinary system in women and men, - skin diseases (including eczema, neurodermatitis, etc..) - gynecological problems including infertility - diseases of the musculoskeletal system (joint diseases,...

The benefits of raw white honey

The benefits of raw white honey

White honey generally has a more delicate flavor than darker honey.Among the flowers that produce white honey are salvia, alfalfa and white clover.This honey is not exactly white, but it...

(photo) A duck and 76 dicks.

(photo) A duck and 76 dicks.

A Minnesota Duck carries around 70 chickens, a remarkable picture captured by an amateur photographer on a recent trip to Lake Bemidji, about 150 miles northwest of Duluth. ...

Food Toxinfection - foods that increase the risk of illness

Food Toxinfection - foods that increase the risk of illness

- abdominal pain and cramping - - headache - vomiting - fever - - weakness and fatigue - nausea - muscle aches.Meat.Raw chicken, turkey, and turkey meat are at increased...

Body bending according to church rules.

Body bending according to church rules.

Sexual relationships are a taboo topic in the Republic of Moldova.Many are afraid to talk about the problems they face, but also about the process themselves.Moreover, those who complicate the...

(photo) Two students from Varniţa make tables and lamps from parts of cars and motorcycles

(photo) Two students from Varniţa make tables and lamps from parts of cars and motorcycles

Two young people from Varniţa have ambitious and want to implement an innovative project for our country.It consists of making tables and lamps for parts of automobile and motorcycle engines,...

Did you start looking?

Did you start looking?

Diminishing consumption of sugar.Excessive consumption of sugar is associated with a number of chronic health and chronic illnesses, including cognitive decline.Research has shown that a diet high in sugar diminishes...

The importance of physical activity for the body

The importance of physical activity for the body

Boost good mood.The movement produces a series of changes in the parts of the brain that regulate anxiety.It can also increase brain sensitivity for serotonin and noradrenaline hormones, which relieve...

Sweet corn: a multi-benefit miracle food

Sweet corn: a multi-benefit miracle food

Rich calorie source.A big scoop, which has about 100 grams of corn, contains 350 calories.However, it has a very low glycemic index, which means it produces lower fluctuations in glucose...

Recommended foods for bloating

Recommended foods for bloating

Broccoli, cabbage - are cruciferous vegetables containing raffinose, a trizaharid that remains undigested, so intestinal bacteria ferment it, producing gas.Legumes - beans, lentils, soybeans and peas are foods that cause...

Sedation caused by long-standing

Sedation caused by long-standing

- It burns fewer calories, which can cause - Muscle strength decreases, as muscles are less used - Bones become less resistant because mineral content is lost - Metabolism is...

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