• Sleep 8 hours a night.During sleep, the skin is regenerated and its appearance will improve considerably.Sleep provides only skin benefits, so you must respect and avoid white nights.• Consume...
Sleeping on his stomach.The person who has the habit of sleeping in this way is likely to be anxious, worried about wanting to forget and looking to rest with this...
• Red wine contains melatonin, an antioxidant that helps regulate the biological clock.Studies have shown that a glass of red wine drinking before bedtime helps the person concerned to sleep...
This occurs after the fungal invasion of the nails or toes, In general, affection is common in athletes and miners. People predisposed to this type of infection are...
• Diminishes the level of stress in the body.Thus, being rich in, especially in vitamin B1, which plays a particularly important role in the proper functioning of the nervous system,...
Colorectal cancer is an increasing disease in adults.Although causes vary, a global study involving Mayo Clinic, Fox Chase Cancer, and the National Cancer Institute attests to a direct link between...
• Skin diseases.Chicken oil is very good in skin disorders, such as eczema, burns.It also protects the skin against ultraviolet radiation and revitalizes it, due to the content of vitamins...
If you constantly scratch your head and have a sensitive scalp, it could be more than dandruff - a common problem facing over 70% of people.Unsuitable cosmetic products, poor hygiene...
• By breastfeeding, the uterus returns more quickly to the size before conception, thus preventing post-partum bleeding.• Reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.• Considerably reduce the risk.• Decreases maternal obesity...
Approximately 18% of people admit Teeth are some of the first things people notice.They are a sign of health as well as trustworthy.The first impression is a clean and...
I'm improving from inside.The benefit of air purification was first discovered by NASA.Thus, researchers found that many types of indoor plants have eliminated formaldehyde, benzene and others in a room...
If you often experience mild stomach pain without suffering from a serious condition, you most likely have some problems with your digestive process.Here are 6 of the best natural ways...
•.In the case of this condition, the doctor will also prescribe a diet that will follow until the symptoms will decrease in intensity.•.In gastritis, treatment and diet will be respected...
Detoxifying the body through all sorts of detox diet or natural supplements is not just a fad in modern society.It's not just something fashionable to make you feel better and...
Daughter, mother, sister, grandma, niece, friend, colleague.Each of us has a relative or acquaintance who has been diagnosed with It happens over time because of smoking, sunless exposure, eating...
Posted: 2018-03-17, 9584 views.
Posted: 2017-06-08, 8266 views.
Posted: 2017-06-15, 8140 views.
Posted: 2017-10-24, 7996 views.
Posted: 2017-06-07, 7734 views.
Posted: 2018-03-17, 9584 views.
Posted: 2017-06-08, 8266 views.
Posted: 2017-06-15, 8140 views.
Posted: 2017-06-07, 7734 views.
Posted: 2017-06-12, 7328 views.